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OBB Dominicana

In this project, students will organize to sponsor group(s) to support the efforts of OneBillionBulbs.com They will also try to answer the questions below in green. This information will be presented to the Dominican Government.

Information from the OneBillionBulbs site:
When members of your group record purchases of compact fluorescent light bulbs in their One Billion Bulbs account,  we'll keep track of the greenhouse gas reductions as well as the energy and cost savings attributable to the actions of the group you sponsor.

We'll even host a special group page on our site just for you.  To view a sample group page, click here.

Investigation:  How much energy would we save in kWh every year if every Dominican switched just one bulb (100W to 25W bulbs)? Would we have to build another polluting power plant (US$ 800 Million)? (Money not spent on building new powerplants gets to stay in the Dominican economy, making us all richer.) (And our air, rivers, lakes, beaches...would be cleaner and less acidic.)
Also, how much CO2 would this prevent from going into the atmosphere each year? In terms of volume, how many CMS gyms is that?

Graphic: Listin Diario

Demand and Supply

Dominican Republic Bulbs Change Statistics

One Billion Bulbs CMS Gr 8 Per A Bulbs Change Statistics 
One Billion Bulbs CMS GR8 Per D Bulbs Change Statistics 
One Billion Bulbs CMS GR8 Per E Bulbs Change Statistics 
One Billion Bulbs CMS GR8 Per G Bulbs Change Statistics 


Helpful Links:
CMS lightbulb study done in 2007 (Shows why switching bulbs is a good idea)
Energy Star Site
Energy Savings Calculator (Excel)

Video thumbnail. Click to play
Click To Play
Thanks to Mr. Richards for pointing us to the video.

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