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Class A Group 1 - Home Gabriel, Christian, Erika, Graciela
Big Six Framework (An information problem-solving approach) [1-Task Definition] - [2-Info Seeking Strategies] - [3-Location and Access] - [4-Use of Information] - [5-Synthesis] - [6-Evaluation] |
1- Task Definition: (1.1-Define the Problem)
What we are going to investigate is how much energy would we save in kwh every year if every dominican switch just one bulb to a CFL bulb( Compact Flourescents).(100W to 25W bulbs)? Also what we are going to investigate is that would we have to build another polluting powerplant if we do change the bulbs? How much Co2 would this prevent from going into the atmosphere each year? In terms of volume, how many CMS gyms is that? What is going to happen if you do not make a change in world is that there is going to be global warming. This is going to cause maybe the end of the world. This is why we have to change to CFl bulbs and it can make a change. (1.2-Information needed to complete the task)
-How many Dominicans are in the Dominican Republic?
-How many Co2 would we prevent from going to the Atmoshpere by changing regular bulbs to CFL bulbs?
-What is the amount of energy Dominicans consume per year?
-How much energy would the dominicans save if we changed the light bulbs to CFL bulbs?(Compact Flourescents).
-How many pounds of Co2 is produced in each home and buissneses a year in the Dominican Republic?
-What percent of the Dominicans use CFL?
-What is the diffrence between a CFL bulb and a regular bulb?
- How much energy and money do Dominicans save using a CFL bulb?
-What is the Volume of the Gym?
-What is the width, height, mass, and shape of the gym?
2-Information Seeking Strategies: (2.1-Possible Sources)
http://www.wikipedia.org/ http://www.ebsco.com/ http://www.energystar.gov/ http://www.lcdl.com/ http://www.cflbulbs.com/ http://www.che.gov.do/ http://www.cdeee.gov.do/ www.eartheasy.com/live_energyeff_lighting.htm
(best sources) http://www.cdeee.gov.do/ http://www.cflbulbs.com/ http://www.energystar.gov/ eartheasy.com http://www.che.gov.do/ |
3-Location and Access (3.1-Locate sources) http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=cfls.pr_cfls http://www.eartheasy.com/live_energyeff_lighting.htm Gym http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_fluorescent_lamp (3.2-Find information within sources) -CFL bulbs use less energy than regular bulbs and last longer -CFL bulbs last for 7 years -Cfl bulbs last up to 10,000 hours on -Cfl bulbs do not heat when they are on -CFL bulbs have limitations. sometimes they cost $40 dollares |
4-Use of Information (4.1 (read, listen, view, touch) Ask for help if you don't understand something.
-Why do some CFL have a spiral style? Some CFl are spiral so that there could be more light. When CFL bulbs are spiral they cools down the temperture which conserves the heat and energy.
-Why do CFL cost so much? Cfl doesn't really cost that much. The regular bulbs cost less but consume more energy than CFL bulbs.
-What is the magic in the CFL? The magic in the CFL is that they consume 9 regular bulbs and last up to 10,000 hours.
-Does CFL bulbs use solar energy? In some cases the electricity can come from Solar Energy.
-How does CFL bulbs conserve the heatness? The CFL bulbs emit less heat and conserve the energy.
(4.2 Find the important stuff. Take notes.) Notes: Cfl bulbs use 75% less energy and last up to 10 times longer. Only 10% of the electricity use by a incandescent bulb is used for light, and the other 90% escapes as heat. |
5-What did you find out about all the tasks? Present it here. Use hyperlinks, pictures, tables, etc. to make your findings clearer.
We first figured out how many Dominicans are in the DR. that number is about 9,183,984. We then figured out how does the normal bulb consume and how much does the cfl bulbs consume. To find the normal bulb used in the DR we first did like if every Dominican had one bulb. Then we calculated how much are we going to save how much are you going to save from a regular bulb to an Cfl bulb. To do that we minimized the amount of watts consumed per year of the normal bulb and CFL bulb and that gave us 1,297,259,451,180 watts. Then we got an estimated answer of how much a bulb is turned on dayly and we got 17.41 hours a day. To see how much Co2 we saved in a year we multiplied are overall savings in a year to .649 kg of Co2. After that we got 841,921,383. Then to get are how many gyms of Co2 we are going to save we had to divided 104,280,382,585 and 841,921,383. For our final answer of how many gyms of Co2 we save we got an answer of 16,092,651.
cfl bulbs consume:25 watts |
Incandesants bulbs consume: 100 watts |

The average amount of bulbs on a day
Cfl bulbs use 75% less energy and last up 10 times longer. In fact, only 10% of the electricity used by an incandesent bulb is used for light and the other 90% is used by the sun. Every CFL can prevent up to 400 pounds of greenhouse emmsions to go to the atmosphere. Save about $990 pesos over the whole bulbs life time. If every Dominican just switch one bulb to a CFL bulb in every house they would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes a year. 1,297,259,451,180 watts
What should be done? What should be done is that we must decrease the demand. To acomplished this task we must first change our regular bulbs to CFL bulbs. Secondly we must stop making power plants and use natural resources such as solar panals, wind turbine, dam, etc. Finally we must warn everyone the damage that they are cosing everytime they turn on a regular lightbulb. What we need to do is build a solar panel or a wind turbine. Those are examples of natural gases. After all of are studies we don't think that we must build another poluting plant. We don't need to change it because if we change regular bulbs to cfl bulbs the amount of energy will decrease.
Volume in the gym: 6480m3 |
6-How would you rate the quality of your solution? What areas, if any, need more attention? We would rate the quality of our observation clear and easy to understand. Our solution was reasonable and we arrived to the correct answer. We realized how many savings we would consume if we change one light bulb. We measured the gym in a way that didn't require us to measure its width. Overall, knowing this information will help us in the future. Now we know how to measure in volume, killometers, feet, squares, etc... |
Watts per Bulb
Incandescent |
Hour |
936,581,800 Watts |
234,145,450 watts |
Day |
4,804,664,634 Watts |
1,201,166,158 watts |
Month |
144,139,939,020 Watts |
36,034,984,755 watts |
Year |
1,729,679,268,240 Watts |
432,419,817,060 watts |
Overall Savings in one year |
1,297,259,451,180 watts | |
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