Class A Group 3 - Mariela Mera, Claudia Franch, Jose Fernando Rodriguez, Juan Enrique Vicini, Jacob Lalo, Rogelio Pellerano
1- Task Definition: (1.1-Define the Problem)
The problem is that Dominicans use too much energy, that causes pollution. The Dominicans demand an amount of energy which we can't produce. They are not informed that they can bring the demand down by using Compact Flourescent Light bulbs. People in this country keep buying incandecent light bulbs, which consume more than the CFL bulbs and demand more energy.The economy is dropping because of all of the money invested in the new powerplant .What we mostly need to find out is the amount of Domincans in the country and how much energy do they produce with normal incandecent bulbs and also record how would the demand lower by the use of CFL lightbulbs.
Each time we build a power plant we are realising Co2 to te atmosphere. This could cause serious damage to our ecosytem. Thats why when we use CFL light bulbs we are helping our ecosytem.
(1.2-Information needed to complete the task)
Population of the Dominican Republic?
How many dominicans citizens will change there bulbs to CFL?
How time are the light bulbs on?
How much energy do we demand in a year?
How many energy would we demand if we use CFL bulbs?
2-Information Seeking Strategies: (2.1-Possible Sources)
(2.2-Select the best sources)
3-Location and Access (3.1-Locate sources)
(3.2-Find information within sources)
Listin Diario Information:
SANTO DOMINGO. - The Dominican Government manages a loan by US$156 million with the World Bank (VM) like part of a project of rehabilitation of networks, measurers and transforming that would go to the three distributors of electricity (Edes). The financing is managed by the Dominican Corporation of State Electrical Companies (CDEEE) and was conceived the six of June of the present year.
According to it consists in a document that details to the objectives of the loan the date considered for its evaluation was nine of October the last, whereas for the 13 of next December it hopes that the Directory knows Executive the Bank. The loan has three components: rehabilitation of networks, social work with the consumers and management of projects.
Nevertheless, financing has had difficulties because apparently VM only has US$40 million to this project, while it indicates that it runs errands to obtain cofinancial for the rest of the resources, between which could be the Inter-American Development Bank (I.A.D.B.).
The project is noticeable with the code YOU GO P089866 and specifies that the CDEEE is the organization of the Government who will be in charge of his execution. No authority has given explanation on the matter, to which the environmental classification has not occurred him that they require for his approval.
Gaiam information:
LED Light Bulbs
For years, we’ve been hearing about a coming revolution in energy efficient consumer lighting. Here, at last, is its long-awaited vanguard: The LED Light Bulb. These Lightbulbs replace wasteful incandescent bulb technology with super-efficient LEDs. Designed to fit in standard 120V AC fixtures, our LED light bulbs use almost no electricity, generate zero heat, and last for an extraordinary 60,000 hours — that’s 12 hours of light every single day for more than an entire decade!
The 18-LED model uses just 2 watts of power and its 31-lumen output is ideal for bedside lamps.
The 36-LED version casts a wider, brighter beam using only 3 watts for 60 lumens of output. It is recommended for reading lamps or ambient lighting, and is perfect for porch lights and other fixtures that remain turned on for long periods. Made in China.
4-Use the Information. That's it.
(4.2 Find the important stuff. Take notes.) Notes: Compared to incandescent lamps of the same luminous flux, CFLs use less energy and have a longer rated life.
In the United States, a CFL can save over US$30 in electricity costs over the lamp’s lifetime compared to an incandescent lamp and save 2000 times their own weight in greenhouse gases
The most important advance in fluorescent lamp technology (including CFLs) has been the gradual replacement of magnetic ballasts with electronic ballasts; this has removed most of the flickering and slow starting traditionally associated with fluorescent lighting.
CFLs are produced for both alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) input.
CFLs can also be operated with solar powered street lights, using solar panels located on the top or sides of a pole and luminaires that are specially wired to use the lamps |
5-What we found out about all the tasks: Present it here. Use hyperlinks, pictures, tables, etc. to make your findings clearer. What did you find out?
We found out that we would save 2,612,676,150 KWH per year by using CFL light bulbs of 25 wats intead of incondecent 100 wats light bulbs. We also found out that we would not have to buy a new polluting power plant because if every Dominican swittched 1 light bulb because the demand would go down enough. The last thing we found out was that we would prevent 36,011,717.7907 CMS gyms with the volume is 5,832 with the average hours of light bulbs turned on of 10.3852

Cfl light bulbs consume: 25 watts Incandesants bulbs consume: 100 watts
What should be done?
- We all think that to build a power plant is to expensive. But, instead we should buy CFL bulbs and all the money we would spent in a simple power plant which produces tons of pollution for our ecosystem, we could use it for another use.
- We could save our environment by using CFL bulbs and inped building another power plant, preventing Co2 to go to the atmosphere.
- CFL bulbs have the same illumination put consume less energy and watts.
- Buying CFL bulbs are more expensive but are more useful and demand less energy.
6-How would you rate the quality of your solution? What areas, if any, need more attention |
We think that the quality of our answer is very good. It’s a good answer because we multiplied the population time’s amounts of watts, the 100 and the 25. Then we multiplied the average numbers of hours used per day and then times it by the days in a year. We turned it into KWH and subtracted both of the numbers that we got, and we got the amount of KWH saved per year if every person in the Dominican Republic switched one CFL light bulb. Then we got the information on the demand and produce of this country and we estimated that we did not need to buy a new power plant to supply the country. Then we got the volume of the gym and the CO2 that we would save and we calculated the amount of CMS gyms of CO2 that we would save if we switched bulbs. We needed more attention in looking for appropriate information, we also needed to be more accurate on the average numbers of hours the light bulb is on today.