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Group D
chantal / annabella / anna / julian / andres

Big Six Framework (An information problem-solving approach) [1-Task Definition] - [2-Info Seeking Strategies] - [3-Location and Access] - [4-Use of Information] - [5-Synthesis] - [6-Evaluation] |
1- Task Definition: (1.1) Define The Problem The problem is that we humans have been wasting our resources and polluting the environment at the same time. This is happening because we burn coal to make energy; the fumes this burning release into the atmosphere have been destroying our ozone layer. Also, most humans take coal for granted because they don’t realize that coal can’t be reproduced. We could lower our demand by exchanging our incondecent light bulbs for flourecent light bulbs. This decreases the amount of energy used for electricity, lowers the damage to the environment, and improves the economy.
We want to discover how much energy we would save in kWh every year if every Dominican switched one bulb (100W to 25W bulbs). We also want to figure out if we would have to build another power plant to make the economy better (could we save more than US $800 million if we changed the bulbs?). This will conclude to how much CO2 this would prevent from going into the atmosphere each year. To arrive to the solution, we need to figure out how many CMS gyms is this in terms of volume.
(1.2-Information needed to complete the task)
To complete this task, we need to find how many dominicans there are and in how much time they use their light bulbs. We also need to find the volume of the school's gym. Also we need to find how many CO2 we use in a year.
2-Information Seeking Strategies: (2.1-Possible Sources)
Some possible sources are: reliable internet sources, encyclopedias, newspapers, teachers, government , books and magazines.
(2.2-Select the best sources)
Some of the best sources you can check out are : The Government, History Channel
,National Geographic, Listin Diario, Books that relate to energy, CDN.
3-Location and Access (3.1-Locate sources) https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/dr.html#People
(3.2-Find information within sources)
Population: |
9,365,818 (July 2007 est.)
Use 75% less energy, but recive same amount of lumens.
We learned most of this information using the websites shown above.
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4-Use of Information
Notes: One million watts = One mega watt (106W). CFL lightbulbs use 75% less energy and are much safer to operate than the ordinary lighbulbs. By using the incondecent light bulbs you will be able to save up to $30 in electricity bill. |
5-What did you find out about all the tasks? Use hyperlinks, pictures, tables, etc. to make your findings clearer.
- First we multiplied the number of saved kwh/ year (161, 952, 554. 3) to 0.64kg of CO2 (that is the amount of CO2 per kwh)
- Then we multiplied 103,649,634.8kg of CO2 (which was the answer we got before) to 123.86m3
- Later we divided our previous answer (1,283,043,760 m3) by 8,089.8125m (the volume of the gym)
- We got the answer of 158,599.9379m3 gyms full of CO2.
- This was the amount of CO2 we prevented from going into the atmosphere each year.
What should be done? Would we have to build an other polluting power plant? No, we don't need to build another polluting power plant. This is due to the fact that a power plant produces 4, 207, 680, 000kwh/year (480, 000, 000 is what a power plant produces daily, so we multiplied it by 24 hours and then, by 365. 25 days, later we divided it by 1,000). Since we will only use 539,841,847kwh/year we will defenetly not need another power plant and we will have 3,667,838,152.7158kwh/year of extra energy(we reached this conclusion by subtracting 539,841,847kwh/year from 4, 207, 680, 000kwh/year). |
6-How would you rate the quality of your solutions? What areas, if any, need more attention? We think that our solutions are all somewhat accurate, we belive this because all our answers and numbers are proved and reasonable. We think that the area that needs more attention is when we were calculating the hours used by Dominicans in a day. We think our calculations in this area are filled with numbers which are not accurate because we did not consider the energy used by all other electronical appliances. |
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