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Class D Grp 2


Class D Group 2

  • Nadia Rizek
  • Coral lipovetsky
  • Konrad Obritzhauser
  • Daniela Rodriguez


Big Six Framework (An information problem-solving approach)
1-Task Definition] - [2-Info Seeking Strategies] - [3-Location and Access] - [4-Use of Information] - [5-Synthesis] - [6-Evaluation]

1- Task Definition:
1.1 The Problem: In the Dominican Republic, too much energy is being demanded. This high demanding issue is leading to more pollution, due to the huge amount of coal that is being burned to satisfy our needs. Not only this but mountains are being destroyed from the coal burned, which leads to global warming and the destruction of nature. We are trying to solve this problem by making every dominican change at least one of their normal light bulbs to CFL (Compact Fluorescents Lights) lightbulbs. Not only will we reduce demand of energy, but we will also reduce pollution, and global warming.

What we ask ourselves is how much energy would we save every year if every dominican changed one light bulb? Would we have avoid building another one of those damaging power plants? Also, we are trying to see how much CO2 we are can save if we do change an big amount of light bulbs. Then, we will be able to answer another one of our questions, which is involves the comparison between the amount of CO2 saved with the volume of a CMS gym, and to see how many gyms could we fill with the amount of CO2 saved.

1.2 Information Needed                                                                             

  • DR population
  • Volume of CO2
  • Size of CMS gym
  • Money used for power plant
  • How much time the lightbulbs are turned on by every dominican

2-Information Seeking Strategies: 
2.1-Possible Sources

  • CDEE
  • Website
  • Movie/Documentary
  • Newspaper
  • Books
  • Magazines
  • Teachers/profecionals
  • Encyclopedia.

2.2-Select the best sources:

  • Mr Farren  
  • Mr. Fernandez (Nono's dad) 
  • Online Movie


3-Location and Access
(3.1-Locate sources):

(3.2-Find information within sources)

  • -         The DR Population is 9,183,984 people.
  • -         The amount of energy we will use if every Dominican changes one of their light bulbs to CFL would be 183,679,680 KWH for 1 day.
  • -         If people don’t change their light bulbs, they will be wasting 642,878,880 of energy.
  • -         A power plant cost $800,000,000 US dollars
  • -         The amount of energy in KWH is how much KW an object uses per hour.





5-Organize your findings and present them here. Use hyperlinks, pictures, tables, etc. to make your findings clearer.
What did you find out?


Our group found out that using CFL will reduce not only the amount of pollution, but your energy bill as well. These lights are cheaper, last longer and are safe for the environment. Doing the math, we found out how much energy will we save when every Dominican changes at least one light bulb to CFL.

This is the normal amount of energy used per day in the Dominican Republic: 10077984000 KWH

To find the amount used if we do change you find 75% of 10077984 and subtract it.

75%=7,588,488 KWH

10,077,984,000 KWH

  8,857,488,000 KWH


1,220,496,000 KWH

Amount used if we do change to CFL per day: 1,220,496,000 KWH



 We observed and asked many people their hours of light bulb per day and the average was: 


82.5/8=   10.3 average per day


Average amount of light bulb per day: 10.3 KWH

Gym l- 38 meters


gym w- 18 meters


gym h:    2.4


gym H:     9

The volume of the triangular prism:                                                                     TO FIND OUT THE GYM VOLUME, WE ADDED

                                                                                                                               THE VOLUME OF A TRIANGULAR PRISM AND A RECTANGULAR PRISM

38*18=684 M3

684*2.4=1,641 m3

The volume of a rectangular prism:

684*9=6,156 m3

Volume of gym:

1,641 + 6,156= 7,797 M3


 If you use a light bulb/CFL for one hour in a year

Electric bill 6-18 cents per KWH

Electric bill if you use a normal 100 kwh light bulb $5840

Electric bill if you use CFL $1460


In a year there is saved 2.649 of CO2 saved per year so we multiply that by energy saved to get the amount of CO2 saved in a year.


459,199,200 KWH X 2.6 CO2



 CO2 saved in a year= 12,164,186,801 CO2

Then, to find out how many CMS gyms this is we divide this answer by the volume of the CMS Gym :


12,164,186,801 / 7,797=

The amount of CO2 saves is the size of 1,301,261 CMS gyms


What should be done?

Every person in the Domincan Republic should change at least one lilght bulb in their houses. If they change more than one, even better. Energy is polluting the world and causing global warming. If the people and the environment don't do something, the world will be a very bad place. so HELP as much as you can please!

We figured out many things along the way. We figured out that by changing the light bulbs to CFL, we would be saving not only energy, but we would also be saving money. If we save energy, we save pollution and mountain destruction. If the goverment eliminates all normal light bulbs and change them to CFL, the Dominican Republic would be safer and wealthier.

6-How would you rate the quality of your solution? What areas, if any, need more attention?

From a scale from one to ten, we decide that and 8 would be a reasonable grade for our work. We need to get more acurrate answers than we had, mostly because we sometimes guessed. We should also pay attention to teamwork. We were mostly on our own and did not help one another as much as we could have. If we would have helped one another, our answers could have been much better because we would all have given.


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