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Class D Grp 3


Class D Group 3

Edward, A.J, Jamileh, Nabila,

Titi & Lili!

Big Six Framework (An information problem-solving approach) [1-Task Definition] - [2-Info Seeking Strategies] - [3-Location and Access] - [4-Use of Information] - [5-Synthesis] - [6-Evaluation]


1- Task Definition: 
The real world problem related to our investigation deals with high demands of electricity and the causes of pollution. Due to high demand of electricity, expensive coal burning power plants will have to be used as a source of more electricity. One of our problems to be resolved is: finding a solution that will bring the demands for electricity down.

A key question related to this would be: how much energy would the Dominican Republic save yearly (in kWh) if every single citizen changed one single CFL light bulb. By doing this, we will reduce the amount of demands in the country, leading to a richer economy because less money will have to be used to buy coal. We will also know, how much CO2 this would prevent from going into the atmosphere each year. Another thing we will learn is, in terms of volume, how many CMS gyms that is.

1.2 To complete this task we would need to know:

  1. How much energy the Dominican Republic produces yearly?
  2. How many citizens there are in the Dominican Republic?
  3. How much energy the Dominican Republic demands per year?
  4. The amount of CO2 that goes in to the atmosphere yearly.
  5. The volume of the CMS Gym.

2-Information Seeking Strategies: 
Our possible sources might be:

  1. Government Agency
  2. Newspapers
  3. Books
  4. Encyclopedias
  5. Teachers, Parents, Students, etc.
  6. Government Files
  7. Magazines

 2.2 The most reliable sources might be:

  1. Newspapers - Listin Diario, Clave Digital, Hoy, El Caribe
  2. Government Agency
  3. Internet

3-Location and Access
Where to locate these sources:

  1. Newspapers -  http://www.listin.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=36363  http://www.clavedigital.com/Portada/Articulo.asp?Id_Articulo=7002 
  2. Government Agency - http://www.cdeee.gov.do/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1  http://www.cne.gov.do/DefaultMG.asp http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republica_Dominicana
  3. Internet - http://wekey.wiki.zoho.com/OBB-Dominicana.html  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_dioxide_in_the_Earth's_atmosphere

3.2 Information within these sources:

Population: 9,183,984 registered Dominicans.

4-Use of Information: We will use our info to be able to find out how much CO2 in mass of gyms are wasted or fit into the amount of CO2. we will also find out the volume of the gym, do equations to figure out the

5-Show us what you found out for all your tasks.. Use hyperlinks, pictures, tables, etc. to make your findings clearer.
What did you find out?

Note: Amount of hours was rounded off to the nearest tenth.

People in our group # of hours they had their bulbs on  for
Edward Ghattas 10:40 minutes
Jamileh Kawas 6:20 minutes
Nabila Khoury 4:10 minutes
A.J Taylor 7:30 minutes
Lili Hazoury and Titi Absent
Total average Hours 7:50 minutes In decimals its 7.83

We used the information to be able to figure out how much CO2 can fit inside the cms gym. The amount of CO2 in a cms gym is about 52.3 kg of this contaminating gas. We used the measurments of the cms gym to actually calculate the volume of the gym but we noticed that the the top part or the triangular prism also counts so we made the calculations to figure out the triangular prism which is 1.25 height in meters. so we have to see the lenght and the width and multiply them together and then we need to divide them by two and that way we would get the volume. Important stuff we used to figure out the volume of the cms gym and how much CO2 fits in it:

- 1kg of CO2 is 123.86 m3 in terms of space. - 1kw of electricity produces 0.649 of CO2 Gas. We used this important information to be able to calculate how much CO2 can fit in a cms gym. we did this by 

Measurement of the CMS gym: the measurments the of the cms gym are: Height=8meters - width=22.5 meters -length=36. To find the volume we multiplied the LHW=volume. Multiplied together these numbers are 6480mof volume.  If we use the triangular prism which we have to this would now be the real volume of the gym. 2meters of triangular prism height * 22.5meters W. * 36meters L. Then we divide this by two and that would be the volume of the prism. All these equations would make: the volume of the prism be 810 now if we add this to 6480 this would make 7290m3.

                     Now Here is how we go our Khw savings yearly and our other info like Gym Volume.

Incandescent Cfl
We first multiply the amount of bulbs changed by the number of watts. 9,183,984 (#dominicans) * 100 watts = 918,398,400.  918,398400 * 7.83= 7,191,059,472. Now we /1000 and that =7,191,059.472. Finally we multiply this by 365.25(days in a year) and that =2,626,534,472.148 kwh yearly

Here we do the same process but instead we multiply the # of thominicans by 25 instead of by 100. By doing all of this we finally get =656,633,618.037 kwh yearly


Our results here are counting as if every dominican changed 1 bulb.



diference kwh saved








Amount of CO2 in gyms that is not released into the atmosphere if each Dominican changes only one bulb and leaves it on each day for about 7:50 hours is= 21,721,640.047164926

Our Findings

Very And Most Important: What we figured out as a conclusion: Well as a conclusion we figured out that the volume of the cms gym is 7290m3 and that the total savings per year if every single Dominican changed a light bulb would be 1,969,900,854.111 kwh yearly. That is Alot!

To be able to find out how many CMS gyms of CO2 we would preven from going ino the atmosphere these are the calculations we took:

1.First we multiplied the amount of kwh saved which is1,969,900,854.111 with 0.649 which is the amount of kg of gas 1kwh equals. We got this:  1,278,465,654.318039

2. We then multiplied our previous result with 123.86 to get the amoun of kg of CO2 at sea level. And, we got: 158,350,755,943.83231054 

3. Finally we divided the result with 7290m3 which was the volume of the gym. We got: 21,721,640.047164926 gyms filled with CO2 that would not go into the atmosphere if every Dominican changes at least 1 Bulb and keeps it on for an average of 7hours and 50 minutes each day.

As a Conclusion after looking at our extremely great numbers we have come up together and realized that we wouldnt need another power plant because look at the great numbers that are shown above. ith these the demand can surely be brought down alot. Now our investigation was only using 1 bulb per dominican, imagine how it would be if people even changed more than just one bulb. The country would be richer every one will have to pay less on their electric bill, The country will no waste over 800 million dolars on a new power plant, and best of all our country and world will be less polluted.

WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? What we need to do is try to bring the demand down and avoid raising the produce. We can do this by not building a new powerplant but by just simply changing one light bulb. All our results show that by changing one bulb it is way better because we will have more light on and there will be no ("apagones"). When you change a light bulb you are also saving a lot of money from your elecrtric bill and you will feel proud. By using this method not only will you save money for you and the country, but you will help the Dominican Republic be a cleaner place and you will let the Earth survive. Please Help us! Change a Bulb!

6- We can see that our investigation is very reliable because we where very accurate, we made every calculation more than twice and some even more than five times. We think that something that we might want to pay attention to is the calculatios that where made quickly throughout the proccess because it is the little calculations that no matter how little it can make you come out with the wrong answer.

  This still needs a lot of work. There should be no highlights when you are finished.

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