1- Task Definition: (1.1-Define the Problem) The problem is that people are demanding more energy than we can produce. If the demand of more energy doesn't decrease, another powerplant will be built, causing more pollution. Another reason it would be beneficial if another powerplant isn't built is that it would help the Dominican economy. Instead of our money going to another country or continent it would stay within the D.R. and it could be used to build roads and bridges. We are trying to lower the demand by using CFL bulbs. By this, not only we would be helping the enviornment but we will make more people satisfied because there would be less "apagones".
We want to know how much energy we would save in KWH if every dominican changes 1 lightbulb to a CFL lightbulb? Would we still have to build another powerplant? How much CO2 would we prevent from going to the atmosphere if lightbulbs are changed? In volume, how much CMS gyms are that? For how long do Dominicans keep their lights on?
(1.2-Information needed to complete the task)
- How many people live in the Dominican Republic?
- How much CO2 emissions goes into the atmosphere each year in the Dominican Republic?
- 19,640 which is 0.1% of the whole worlds CO2 emissions.
- What's the volume of the CMS gyms?
- How much CO2 do CFl bulbs release into the atmosphere compared to incandescent?
- How much CO2 is in the air?
- 27,245,758 CO2 emissions
- How much money will the Dominican economy save if it doesn't by a new power plant?
- How much does it cost to buy a new power plant?
- What is the demand and how much energy we are producing?
- How much time do people leave their lights on everyday.
- what is the difference in energy usage between the incandescent lightbulb and a regular bulb?
4-Use of Information (4.1 Engage in the source (read, listen, view, touch) Ask for help if you don't understand something. (4.2 Find the important stuff. Take notes.) Notes: To get the answer to how much KWH we would save each year, we had to multiply the amount of KWh one Donimican saves each year by the population of Dominicans. |
5-Organize your information and present it. Use hyperlinks, pictures, tables, etc. to make your findings clearer. What did you find out? We found out several things such as the fact that we would save 2,333,142,337 KWh every year if every Dominican would change an incandescent bulb to a CFL bulb. By changing the bulbs, we would prevent the following amount to go into the air each year: 178,209,377 CO2. That is in terms of volume 178,469 CMS gyms.
To find out how much KWh we would save each year:
1 bulb of 100 w
100 w
* 9.1 hours
910 wh each day
*365 days (a year)
332,150 wh every year
1 bulb of 25 w
25 w
* 9.1 hours
227 wh each day
* 365 days (a year)
83,037.5 wh every year
332,150 wh every year
- 83,037.5 wh every year
249,112.5 wh saved each year
249.1125 kwh saved every year
(multiply by # of Dominicans [population])
D.R. Population: 9,365,818
* 249.1125
[Final Answer]
How much we would save in kwh each year:
2,333,142,337 kwh
To know how much Co2 we are preventing from going to the atmosphere, we did the following:
We multiplied the amount of KWh saved which is 2,333,142,337 by 0.649 grams which is the equivalent of the Co2 produced by 1 KWh.
We found out that we do need a power plant because we don't save more electricty than the factory produces. We obtained this answer by multiplying the population of the Dominican Republic by the wattage saved ber bulb (75). Then we divide the answer by 1,000,000 to get the answer in Megawatts. We then multiplied both numbers by hours then Days of the year. After that we compare that number to how many MW the new factory will produce when built. Since the amount saved was smaller than the new power plant would produce we need the power plant.
To find out how much CMS gyms the CO2 occupied we did the following: First, to find out volume of the roof we multiplied length x width x height. 2 Then for the rectangular prisim we did length x width x height Later we added both results and came up with this answer: 8,852.186m3 After we divided 8,852.186m3 by the amount of CO2 saved each year which is 178,209,377
 In the bar graph above it is seen that the CFL lightbulbs save 75% of the energy.
What should be done?
We think it is our countrie's responsibility to let people know how the energy they waste is damaging our world. Also, there should be programs or plans that you could change your incandescent light bulb for CFL with no cost; but those programs would get a percent of the people’s savings. We highly recommend not building the power plant, its not in need if our country collaborates. Also the building of this power plant would lower our economy, all the money being paid to foreign engineers would go to their home country. Creating a conscious in every Dominican of the damages the production of energy is causing to this world is key to the countries economy.
6-How would you rate the quality of your solution? What areas, if any, need more attention? The quality of our solution is precise.The gym was carefully measured and the answers were double checked and some approved by Mr.Farren. An area that would definetely need improvement is when the amounts were changed from watts to kilowatts and then to megawatts, because we got confused and multiplied by 1000 instead of 1000000 a certain time. Still,at the end we corrected it and made sure we used the right amount. Out of 10 we would give ourselves a 9. |