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Class E Grp 1

Class E Group 1 - Home Joaquin, Alfredo, Rafa, Giusseppe, and Miguel

Big Six Framework (An information problem-solving approach)
1-Task Definition] - [2-Info Seeking Strategies] - [3-Location and Access] - [4-Use of Information] - [5-Synthesis] - [6-Evaluation]

1- Task Definition:
(1.1-Define the Problem)

Real World Problem
     The Problem is that people use high energy consumption bulbs because they think they are cheaper but they actually turn out to be more expensive. These light bulbs also cause polution and the detroying mountain tops too. They cause pollution becuase to make the energy we burn coal, oil and gases, and coal comes from the mountains that are being destroyed by us, oil and gas have to be found in the later layers of the earth, which means drilling, also the gases the plants produce contaminate the earth.
Information Problem
     People believe that both types of bulbs waste the same amopunt of energy and that they work the same. That is not correct. If we started changing light bulbs we would definitely profit from this. If every Dominican changed one "normal" light bulb to a CFL we would save a lot of energy and money, and our economy would not go down because  we would not have to buy a new power plant, and a lot less CO2 would be released into the atmosphere. We are investigating if we need to build a new power plant, and how many cms gyms does a power plant pollute with CO2.

(1.2-Information needed to complete the task)
We need to know about both types of bulbs; the compact fluorescent and the "normal" ones. The compact fluorescent waste 75% less energy and last for up to 10,000 hours. Everytime you turn on a lightbulb you are destroying a mountain, or digging an unnecesary hole in the earth. We also need to know about the size and volme of the gym, nd how much COdoes a powerplant introduce in the air.

2-Information Seeking Strategies: 
(2.1-Possible Sources)
Some possible sources are the blue man group clip in you tube, The OBB dominicana webpage, kilowatt Ours movie & web page, and the video about the pollution and destruction of mountains are all possible sources.
(2.2-Select the best sources)
The best sources were Kilowatt Ours the movie, the OBB dominicana page. CNN.com, discoverychannel.com, "put-your- feet-in-the-earth.com"

3-Location and Access
(3.1-Locate sources)
http://www.kilowattours.com/; http://www.onebillionbulbs.com/; http://listindiario.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=25806; http://www.onebillionbulbs.com/Learn
(3.2-Find information within sources)
Regular incandescent light bulbs are very inefficient.
In addition to releasing carbon dioxide, coal-fired power plants also release other.


4-Use of Information
(4.1 Engage in the source (read, listen, view, touch) Ask for help if you don't understand something.
Some the energy consumed by an ILB produces heat instead light. CFL bulbs are more efficient than ILB.

(4.2 Find the important stuff. Take notes.)
Notes:the following:

Listin Diario: Bombillos de bajo consumo alivian el bolsillo de las familias pobres;

  • "El programa de bombillas de bajo consumo ha ahorrado al país más de US$40 millones a través de la factura petrólera', según el cálculo oficial.
  • En una primera fase más de 2.5 millones de bombillas de bajo consumo fueron distribuidas en los barrios de escasa organización en la distribución de energía eléctrica."


  • the CFL bulb costs $5.00 and lasts 10,000 hours
  • a standard incandescent bulb cost $0.75 and lasts 1,000 hours (therefore 10 standard bulbs are required to last as long as the one CFL bulb).
  • the cost of electricity in our area is $0.20/kWh

The costs break down as follows:

Item 10 Standard Incandescent Bulbs 1 Compact Fluorescent Bulb Savings

Cost of Bulb(s)




Cost of Electricity (10,000 hours)




Total Savings



5-Organize your information and present it. Use hyperlinks, pictures, tables, etc. to make your findings clearer.
What did you find out?


We found out that if every Dominican in this country switched from an 100 watt incandescent light bulb to a 25 watt CFL bulb we would save 75 watts. These watts timesed by 9,183,984 (the estimated population of 2007) equals 688,798,800 watts. Now this quantity is only when you turn on the light bulb. For every hour it's on you multiply it by 10.25 HRS(the results of our investigation). Now we get 7,060,095,450 Watts/a day. We divide this by 1000 so we have 7,060,095.450  KW/ a day. Now we multiply it by 365.25, which are the days a year it's on. We get 2,578,699,863 KW/ saved a year. Now we divide it by a thousand more, to find megawatts, our answer is 2,578,699.863 Mega Watts saved a year. Now we find out how much a power plant produces in a year. Snce it produces 480 MW when its on, we multiply it by 24 hours it's on, and subsequently by 365.25 days of the year. This number is 4,207,680 Mega Watts of produce. So infact no we do need a new power plant.


Height:10.75 m.
Width:19.25 m.
Height Triangle:1.75 m.
Height rectangular prism: 9 m.

-The formula to find the volume the gym is: LWH of the Rectangular prism(7103.25 m.3), plus the LWH/2 of the triangular prism (690.59375 m.3), you sum them and get the gym's total area: 7793.84375 m.

-If 1Kw/ hr = 0.649 Kg/CO2, 7,060,095 KW/hr. : 4,582,001.655 Kg./CO2

-To find out how much we save a year we multiply this number by 365.25 and achieve

-If 1 kg. of CO2 equals 123.86 m.3 (at sea level), 1,673,576,104.48875 kg./CO2 equals 207,289,136,301.976575 m. 3 of CO2 saved from going into the atmosphere a year if the light bulbs are on for 10.25 hours a day.
-That number divided by the volume of the CMS gym, gives us the number of CMS gyms we save. So, 207,289,136,301.976575 / 7793.84375= 26,596,521.941 CMS gyms filled with CO2 that we prevent from contaminating the atmosphere.

What should be done?
Try to make Dominicans not only change one bulb but two or more so we don't need to buy a new power plant, can save our earth.

6-How would you rate the quality of your solution? What areas, if any, need more attention?

   I would rate the quality of our solution a 8, because we are not sure if everything is correct. We did put good effort into it but we could have done more and we could have added more pictures and graphs or table. If that were done then our concepts would be more easily understood.


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