1- Task Definition: (1.1-Define the Problem)
Real-world Problem:
The Real-world problem consists of many factors around the globe. For example, people are demanding too much energy and aren't conscious of the effects of this demand. Also, when demand gets too high and production is too low, people try to solve the problems in the wrong way like building new power plants and trying to increase the consumption, instead of finding a way of lowering the demand. Also as world population grows, the needs increase, causing more global warming and pollution. Next, because of no education and poverty around the world, people are not updated of what is happening and therefore don't know what their demand for energy is causing. In conclusion, even though the outcomes don't affect us now, in the long-run, many will suffer the consequernces.
Information Problem:
Our information problem includes figuring out how much energy we would save per year if every Dominican changed just one lightbulb to a CFL. Also, we have to find out if the money saved by doing thias would be enough to prevent the building of a new power plant to be able to satisfact the demand for energy. Therefore, there'd be much less pollution in the country. Lastly, our information problem includes finding out how many CMS gyms of CO2 we'd prevent from going into the atmosphere by using CFL's.
(1.2-Information needed to complete the task)
To solve our information problem, we need to find out how many Dominicans are in the country now to see exactly how many lightbulbs would be changed. Also, we'd have to figure out how much energy the normal lightbulbs and CFL's consume in kWh. Finally, we need to find out for how much time the lightbulb is turned on each year.
For the gym problem, we'd have to find out the volume of the gym and how much CO2 fits into it.
For the power plant problem, we'd have to look at the graph on the OBB website that shows demand and production and subtract these to see how much demand needs to lower to be able to not build another power plant. |
3-Location and Access (3.1-Locate sources)
Energy Star: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=cfls.pr_cfls
OBB Dominicana: http://wekey.wiki.zoho.com/OBB-Dominicana.html
EBSCO: http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/selectdb?vid=1&hid=106&sid=15661b04-41f2-4e60-aecc-c492c589b4d1%40sessionmgr104
Comision Nacional de Energia: ://www.cne.gov.do/DefaultMG.aspo/
Edesur: http://www.edesur.com.do/
Carol Morgan School (Gym): Av. Sarasota esq. Nuñez de Caceres
Wikipedia Dominican Republic: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/República_Dominicana
Wikipedia Watts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watts
(3.2-Find information within sources)
Energy Star:the energy used in the average home can be responsible for more than twice the greenhouse gas emission to nearly 10 million cars.
Wikipedia Dominican Republic: There are approximately 9.2 million people in the Dominican Republic
OBB Dominicana: Demand of energy in the country is 13,000 gWh (13,000,000,000,000 Wh) . Production of energy in the country is 9,000 gWh (9,000,000,000,000 Wh)
Wikipedia Watts: One kilowatt is 1000 watts(1 thousand), one megawatt is 1000000 watts (1 million), and 1 gigawatt is 1000000000 watts (1 trillion).
- We found out that the average amount of time of light our group used per day was 12:45 hrs.
- Also, we found out that in a year, if every Dominican changed just one incandescent light bulb to a CFL, we'd save 3,271,202,193.38 kWh using 12:45 hrs as our average time.
How we did this:
(people x watts x hrs on/day x days/year = wH used/year ÷ watts in a kW = kWh used/year incandescent) x percent saved from incandescent to CFL = kWh saved/year 9,365,818 people/light bulbs changed 936,581,800 watts total 936,581,800 watts total 11,941,418,000 wH/day 11,941,418,000 wH/day 4,361,602,924,500 watts used/year 4,361,602,924,500 watts
used/year 1,000 watts/kW 4,361,602,924.5 kWh used/year incandescent 4,361,602,924.5
kWh used/year incandescent 3,271,202,193.38
kWh saved/year
- The gym's total volume is 7,399.22 cubic meters:
Height1=10.5m (floor to top of triangular prism)
Height2=8.75m (rectangular prism)
Height3=1.25(triangular prism)
Width=19.25m (bleachers to end of stage)
Length=41m (door to door)
rectangular prism: L x W x H2 41 x 19.25 x 8.75 = 6,905.94 m3
triangular prism: (Lx W x H3)/2 41 x 19.25 x 1.25= 986.56 / 2 = 493.28 m3
triangular prism + rectangular prism = whole volume (7,399.22 m3)

3,271,202,193.38 kWh saved/year 2,123,010,223.5 kg of CO2 2,123,010,223.5 kg of CO2 262,956,046,282.76 m3 of CO2 262,956,046,282.76 m3 of
CO2 7,399.22 m3 (gym volume) 35,538,346.78
gyms of CO2 prevented from going into atmosphere
(1 gigawatt=1,000,000,000 watts)
3,271,202,193.38 kWh saved per year
3,271,202,193,800 watts saved per year
3,271,202,193,800 watts saved per year
1,000,000,000 watts in one gigawatt
3,271.202 gigawatts saved |
To be able to convert our answer into gigawatts, we first multiplied the number of kWh saved per year by 1,000 because it is the amount of watts in one kWh. Now we had the number of watts saved per year, which we divided by 1 trillion, the number of watts in one gigawatt. This gave us 2,563.89 gigawatts. Therefore, changing just one light bulb per Dominican isn’t enough for demand and production numbers to meet because the presently, the difference is 4,000 gigawatts.
What should be done?(look at the question in investigation)
What should be done in this situation is that each dominican change more than one incandescent lightbulb to a CFL. Therefore, maybe we would be able to prevent the country from building a coal-fired power plant by lowering the demand of energy. |