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Class G Grp 1

Class G Group 1 - Home: 

Daniela O, Miguel Jose B, Nono, Danielle & Fernando 

Big Six Framework (An information problem-solving approach)
[1-Task Definition] - [2-Info Seeking Strategies] - [3-Location and Access] - [4-Use of Information] - [5-Synthesis] - [6-Evaluation]


1- Task Definition:
(1.1-Define the Problem)

We need to find out how much kwh(energy) we can save every year and how much pollution we can prevent if every Dominican at least changed just 1 bulb in their houses to CFL (Compact Fluorescent Bulb) light bulbs(100W to 25W bulbs). Then, we have to measure the amount of Co2 prevented by the CFL bulb in CMS gyms.
We need to lower the demand to prevent blackouts. All these polluting power plant are causing pollution which leads to global warming. Global warming is causing a melt down and cracks in our ozone layer; by changing to CFL bulbs we are preventing this from happening.

(1.2-Information needed to complete the task)

  • How much pollution does the D.R. produce per year with the incandescent light bulbs?
  • How much Co2 can the CMS gym hold? (hint: Find the volume of the gym)
  • How can we make the demand get lower?
  • How much less pollution will we make by the demand decreasing?
  • How much energy would we save in KWH every year if every Dominican switched just one bulb (100w to 25w?
  • What is a kwh?
  • What is the population in the Dominican Republic?
  • How many days are in a Year?
  • What is scientific notation?

2-Information Seeking Strategies:
(2.1-Possible Sources)

2.2-Select the best sources)


3-Location and Access
(3.1-Locate sources)

(3.2-Find information within sources)

  • population: 9,183,984million, 
  • kwh is 1000 hours of energy (kwh) produces 0.649 of CO2.
  • height of gym:31 1/2 cubes
  • Length of gym: 145 cubes
  • Width of gym: 99 cubes

4-Use of Information
(4.1 Engage in the source (read, listen, view, touch) Ask for help if you don't understand something.

(4.2 Find the important stuff. Take notes.)

Notes: CFL bubls use about 75 percent less energy than incandecent light bublbs and last up to 10  times longer. People who use CFL's save about 30% more in electricity costs. They even produce about 75% less heat, that means they are safer. CFL light bulbs are best used outdoors, in the kitchen, bedrooms or in the balcony. They come in diffrent sizes and shapes. The fact that they cause less pollution reduces global warming.

how much energy do 9.2 million people consume every year?

there is 365 days times 16 = 5,840hrs in a year per person per bulb. in a year 9.2 million people are going to use this amount of energy.... 690,000,000 times 5,840=4,029,600,000,000


5-Organize your information and present it. Use hyperlinks, pictures, tables, etc. to make your findings clearer.
What did you find out?

Question to find out: How much energy would we save in kwh every year if every Dominicann switched just one bulb (100w to 25w)?

Dominican population: 9,183,984

there is 365 days in a year times that by 16. it equals: 5,840 hrs ina  year pero person per bulb.690,000,000 times5,840=4,029,600,000,000 (9.2 people are going to use this amount of energy in a year.)

 If we divide that by 1,000 (kilo)... 4,029,600,000/1,000=4,029,000 KWh.... 9.2 million people usea this amount of watts in a year.

The Math:

9,183,984 x 100w= 918,398,400w

9,183,984 x 25w= 229,599,600w


Energy Saved!: 683,798,800w 

The Gym:

Volume: -7596.53125

Length of the wall of the gym: 36.25m.

Height of Triangular prism: 1.75m

width: 27.75m

then we had to multyply the length x ht of triangular prism and we got = 1760.39/2

inside the triangular prism there is 880.195... the volume of the gym is 7596.53125 with no cubic meters with cubic meters it is 880.195. this is a total of 8476.726925.

click to enlarge  

What should be done: Dominicans should change normal bubls to cfl beacuse they consume less energy, CFL bubls use about 75 percent less energy than incandecent light bublbs and last up to 10  times longer. People who use CFL's save about 30% more in electricity costs. They even produce about 75% less heat, that means they are safer.

6-How would you rate the quality of your solution? What areas, if any, need more attention?

On this project we think we did a very good job. We did the math in everything needed and all our answers are hopefully correct. We belive that our measurements were very accurate since we spent a lot of time doing each one of them. Since the beggining of our experiment we took the efficient and needed time to do it. We really liked doing this project and hope to do a similair one in the future.




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