1- Task Definition: (1.1-Define the Problem)
Real World Problem:
The real world problem consists on the demand and production of electricity. The demand is too high and the production is low. Therefore, we strongly suggest Dominicans to use CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs). If Dominicans chose not to use these bulbs, there would be a high possibility of a new power plant which will bring more pollution and Co2 to the atmosphere. On the other hand, this power plant will bring more expenses to the country, than the ones we already have. Building this power plant is also the wrong decision because coal is an expensive natural resource that will be scarce in the near future if we keep misusing it.
Information Problem:
In our investigation, we will determine if every Dominican changes 1 incandescent light bulb in their residence to a CFL, how much energy would we save in KWH, and if we would have to build another polluting power plant. We will also have to figure out how much Co2 will we prevent from going into the atmosphere.
* Now days our economy is changing. If you think about replacing an Incandescent Light bulb to a CFL you would save more money, and we will have less expenses and less taxes to pay. On the other hand, buying CFL might be expensive (at first), but in the end they will save you much more money and energy than what you think. A CFL lasts 10 times more than an Incandescent light bulb. So after all, you would save a fair amount of money.
*Pay less, you win, and others win. (The world wins). Think about it…
(1.2-Information needed to complete the task)
1-The energy we would save if every Dominican replaced one incandescent light bulb in their residence to a CFL.
2-The population of the country (D.R.)
3- The current level of production and demand.
4- Days in a year.
5-The average amount of hours incandescent and CFL light bulbs are on.
6- The volume of the CMS gym.
7- Difference of watts between a CFL light bulb and an incandescent.
3-Location and Access (3.1-Locate sources) http://wekey.wiki.zoho.com/OBB-Bulletin-Board.html
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominican_Republic (3.2-Find information within sources)
1) We would save 5,721,769,522.07 kWH.
2) The population of the D.R. is 9,183,984
3) The current level of demand is about 13,000 and the current level of production is about 8,800.
4) There are 365.25 days in a year.
5) According to our recordings in the homework, we got 17.1 hours a day. Few of our members brought their informarmation of the amount of hours the lightbublb is on per day. We added the 3 numbers and then we divided it by 3. That's how we got the average time the lights were on.
5-Organize your information and present it. Use hyperlinks, pictures, tables, etc. to make your findings clearer.
Incandescent Light bulbs:
1 bulb x 100 watts x 17.1 x 365.25 = 624,577.5
x 9, 183,984
Then we will divide by 1000 to see how much energy an Incandescent
light bulb consumes in KWH.
5,736,109,766,760 / 1000 = 5,736,109,766.76 KWH
CFL Light bulbs:
1 bulb x 25 watts x 17.1 x 365.25 = 156144.375
X 9,183,984
Then we will divide by 1000 to see how much energy a CFL bulb
consumes in KWH.
1,434,027,441.69/ 100 = 143,402,441.69 KWH
Now, we will subtract the amount of energy consumed in KWH with the
incandescent light bulbs, and with the CFL.
Which is 5,736,109,766.76 - 1,434,027,441.69 the answer is:
You save: 4,302,082,325.07 -(per/year)
We would not have to build another polluting power plant because if every dominican switched just one incandescant lightbulb, to a CFL, of 25 watts the demand will defenitely go down. We came up with this conclusion because we could save more money by changing our lightbulbs rather than buying a polluting power plant that will cost us Dominican citizens more.
We measured the CMS Gym by using the carton box that had a long paper tube and in the end a hair cross. This was our result:
Height: 8.50 Width: 20.25 Length: 39 meters Depth:1.50
The process we used was: Width(Depth) Height(length)
(20.25(1.50)(8.50(39) 30.375(331.5) And the final answer would be: 10069.3125 cubic meters. We got this answer by using the box and tube. Above is our equation that got us to our answer.