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Class G Grp 3

Class G Group 3 Ana Leda, Mauro, Yamell, Miguel, Alfonso

Big Six Framework (An information problem-solving approach)
[1-Task Definition] - [2-Info Seeking Strategies] - [3-Location and Access] - [4-Use of Information] - [5-Synthesis] - [6-Evaluation]

1- Task Definition:
(1.1-Define the Problem)

One of the the problems is that the demand of energy is higher than the production of energy. This is a problem because Dominicans are paying for energy, and the energy company is not producing enough. So, dominicans are waisting their money and are having blackouts frequently, but are still paying for the energy. Is it because dominicans are using too many incondecent bulbs? We can't put 10 power plants because it wastes too much money, burns too much coal, and thats not good for the atmosphere. But, if we use CFL bulb we can lower the demand and stop having blackouts. 
    We need to find out how much kilowatt hours we would save if every Dominican put at least one CFL bulb in their homes. It may seem like something small, but his may be the difference of having to build another power plant, and not having to. So it's our choice to stop blackouts.

(1.2-Information needed to complete the task)
What is the population of the Dominican Republic?

How much money it would be saved per bulb changed?

How much energy does a CFL consume compared to an incandescent?

The volume & area of the CMS gym

Dominican population

2-Information Seeking Strategies: 
(2.1-Possible Sources)





Magazines related to the topic
(2.2-Select the best sources)



3-Location and Access
(3.1-Locate sources)




(3.2-Find information within sources)
If people change every light bulb to a CFL they would have saved money each month and also produced less air-pollution.

  A KWH hour is 1000 hours of watts.

 The population is 9,183,984.

The hours in a year are: 8,765.812776

An average CFL lightbulb uses 75% less than an incandescent bulb.


4-Use of Information
(4.1 Engage in the source (read, listen, view, touch) Ask for help if you don't understand something.
(4.2 Find the important stuff. Take notes.)
Notes: Population 9,183,984 in DR

One million watts is a mega watt

-We found out that if every dominican changed 1 light bulb we would save about 459,199,200 watts of energy every year.


5-Organize your information and present it. Use hyperlinks, pictures, tables, etc. to make your findings clearer.

People should lower their energy consumption and change the Bulbs for the CFL Bulbs. We found out that if every domnican changed only one lightbulb to a CFL one, the demand would be much lower and we would have less blackouts and we would save a lot of money.



Each light bulb consumes 100 watts an hour.

There are 365.25 days in a year.



How much CO2 can fit in the CMS gym?

103,549,610.68kg C02 kilograms

These are the gym mesurements:

LENGTH: 40 meters, TRIANGLE: 1.5, WIDTH: 19 meters, AREA: 854 and BASE: 6

Every dominican must change at least 1 normal light bulb to a CFL. These CFL's save up to 75% more of energy. So we would save much more. (The amount dominicans would save is on the top) 

6-How would you rate the quality of your solution? What areas, if any, need more attention?

We need more attention in the part that we did not gather as much of information. Due to the fact, we rate ourselves about 70% reliable. But we did a good job finding graphics that represent our information.


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