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Class G Grp 4

Class G Group 4 - Home Emilia D, Andrea B, Amanda G, Rafael G, Raffael R

Big Six Framework (An information problem-solving approach)
[1-Task Definition] - [2-Info Seeking Strategies] - [3-Location and Access] - [4-Use of Information] - [5-Synthesis] - [6-Evaluation]


 1- Task Definition:                          
(1.1-Define the Problem)

     Dominicans are demanding more energy than is being processed on this island. This is provoking other issues including environmental problems and unsatisfied citizens. Many Dominicans aren't pleased with the lack of energy being given to them; the government is also building more expensive power plants which is affecting the country's economy as well as our environment. The demand continues growing, but the production of energy remains the same.

     The issues above are being disputed and we would like to find out a possible way to solve this problem. We have an idea and it is the following; how much energy would we save every year if every Dominican changed just one bulb to a compact fluorescent bulb? It saves energy, last longer, and its a lot more cheaper; its down-right beneficial. Another problem that we will resolve is if every Dominican changed one light bulb it will modify the high level of CO2 going into our atmosphere. This will make a remarkable difference because we would be decreasing the undesired quantity of CO2. We also need to measure the gym's length and volume to figure out how much energy can fit into it.

(1.2-Information needed to complete the task)

To complete this task we need the current Dominican population and the Electrical demand. We also need the gymnasium's length as well as volume.

2-Information Seeking Strategies: 
(2.1-Possible Sources)

-OBB Dominicana


(2.2-Select the best sources)

-OBB Dominicana

-Dominican newspapers

3-Location and Access
(3.1-Locate sources)





(3.2-Find information within sources)

-Population: 9,183,984 million

-there is 365 1\4 days in year

-a kWh is 1000 hours of energy 

-a kWh produces 0.649 of CO2

-the height of the gym is 31 1/2 cubes height is not measured in cubes

-the length of the gym is 145 cubes

-the width is 99 cubes

4-Use of Information
(4.1 Engage in the source (read, listen, view, touch) Ask for help if you don't understand something


(4.2 Find the important stuff. Take notes.)

How much energy 9.2 million people consume every year:

365 days x 16 = 5,840 hrs in a year per person per bulb

690,000,000 x 5,840 = 4,029,600,000,000 <---- 9.2 million are going to use this amount of energy a year. Explain what these numbers mean. 690K? 16?

(^divided by 1,000) kilo

4,029,600,000,000/ 1,000= 4,029,000 kWh

9.2 million people are going to use this amount of watts a year.

5-Organize your information and present it. Use hyperlinks, pictures, tables, etc. to make your findings clearer.
What did you find out?

How much energy would we save in kWh every year if every Dominican switched just one bulb (100w to 25w)?


365 days x 16 = 5,840 hrs in a year per person per bulb

690,000,000 x 5,840 = 4,029,600,000,000 <---- 9.2 million are going to use this amount of energy a year.

(^divided by 1,000) kilo

4,029,600,000,000/ 1,000= 4,029,000 kWh

9.2 million people are going to use this amount of watts a year.


Dominican population: 9,183,984


9,183,984 x 100w = 918,398,400w

9,183,984 x 25w = 229,599,600w


918,398,400w –229,599,600w = 683,798,800w

Saved energy: 683,798,800w

6.837988 x 108





To find the volume of the gym we:


-7596.53125 (volume)


To find the length of the gym we:


 -The length of the wall of the gym is 36.25m. 



The height of the triangular prism:

 The height of the triangular prism is 1.75m


-The width of the gym is 27.75m



36.25(length) x 1.75(ht. of triangular prism) x 27.75= 1760.39


1760.39 / 2


880.195 cubic meters of the triangular prism


7596.53125(volume of gym without cubic mts) + 880.195(cubic mts) = 8476.726925 (total volume of the gym)



How much Co2 can fit into the gym:

4,029,000 kWh x 0.649= 2,614,821 (kg of Co2 gas)

2,614,821 x 123.86m3=  323,871,729.06m3

323,871,729.06m3 / 8,476.726925= 38,207.16 gyms




What should be done?

 -Dominicans should change regular bulbs in their houses to CFL bulbs because they consume less amounts of energy, and are completely beneficial.

6-How would you rate the quality of your solution? What areas, if any, need more attention?

 We think we had a pretty exact solution. We believe that our measurments were accurate, and because of that our solution is as well. We think that all of our solutions and problems are pretty much correct, we spent a lot of time on each of them. We paid a lot of attention to our work. We worked well as a group, and enjoyed this challenging project.




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