Sci G2
(You can add information to each part below. Use the comments at bottom of page if you are not sure where to add information or if you would like to make suggestions to the group. You can attach files that might be useful (at bottom of page)).
Andrea Dauhajre
Monica de Moya
Enrique Espalliat
Cesar Herrera
Michelle Keesee
Find out how much CO2 is produced by the power plant each year in terms of kg and cubic meters. How many CMS gyms does this represent in terms of volume? |
Possible Sources of Information
Questions to Ask During Field Trip
- Where does the electricity come from?
- If electricity comes from another country, how does it get here?
Things to Look for During Field Trip
Useful information collected: List the information that will help with task. (Do not repeat items.) Tell where information came from. Example: If you found specific information online, show where it comes from using a hyperlink. If someone told you, write their name and position.
What did you find out? Show your work; explain. Use charts, pics, diagrams, colors... (This is where you solve the task.)